SET WORK 7 - 6.7.20
Hi Year 3, we hope you enjoyed the Shottermill Olympics last week. We loved seeing all your different entries for the poetry, the posters, the food, the art, the facts about sports, the sports equipment and the scores for the' beat the teacher' activities. We will announce the winners for each class this week in a video, so watch out for that!
This week the focus is happy heart and healthy mind, so we have lots of activities about being positive and enjoying yourself.
Please could you write letter to Mrs Hall if you are in 3G, as she will be your teacher next year and wants to know all abut you.
If you are in 3F, Mrs Nichols needs your help in designing the classroom as she knows you a little, You could write her a letter or send her a card too.
Enjoy your week you lovelies
Here are the winners of the Shottermill Olympics:
Here's Mrs Hall reading to you: