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School News

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  • Claire Linney Author Visits to Promote Black History

    Published 15/10/24

    This week we welcomed ex-pupil of Shottermill Junior School to share with us her children's book:  'Time Tub Travellers' which seeks to bring to life a story linked to a journey through Tudor London, highlighting to children important Black Historical figures of the past. 

    After her whole school assembly, Claire then worked with Year 4 to develop their ideas for a time travelling story of their own!  Thank you Claire for your inspirational messages! 

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  • Sports Leaders Elected & Trained!

    Published 15/10/24

    Sports Crew have been elected and attended their first training session at The Guildford Spectrum.  

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  • Black History Month

    Published 07/10/24

    We have kicked off Black History Month with assemblies linked to the theme, as well as this display in our main entrance, which has a special box of reading books, linked to the theme of inclusion, equality and celebrating differences. 

    Later in the month we will be welcoming Claire Linney, a past pupil, who will be sharing some of her children's books with us. 

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  • New Head Boy & Head Girl appointed!

    Published 25/09/24

    Congratulations to Charlie Niven and Daisy Hill for securing the role of Head Boy and Head Girl for the year ahead.  It was a tough process of applications, shortlisting and interviewing, all performed by the School Council.  We would like to congratulate them and all the other children who applied for the role.

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  • 'Battle of the Bands' Whole School Production a huge success!

    Published 17/05/24

    Our Whole School Performance of 'Battle of the Bands' was an absolute triumph! 

    The children were on stage numerous times, as they performed their 'bad' and 'good' auditions in a story all about saving the local town theatre's roof!  Special thanks to Mrs Davies, who wrote such a terrific script and to the PTFA for the newly purchased sound and lighting systems which they fundraised for!

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  • Year 4 Police Visit

    Published 10/05/24

    On 10th May, Year 4 welcomed along local Police officers who gave an informative and interesting talk about their role and how children can keep themsleves safe.  Mrs Hall and Mrs Loveland even ended up getting arrested! 

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  • #LetGirlsPlay

    Published 13/03/24

    On Friday 8th March - International Women's Day - we had a very exciting day in school!

    As part of #LetGirlsPlay (an FA initiative), the girls were given coaching by some students from Godalming College who are PE students and football players themselves.

    The coaching was brilliant and the girls learnt some great new skills. Many of them commented that they enjoyed the session so much that they now wish to join a football club.

    Huge thanks to Godalming College and the girls who all participated so enthusiastically. 

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  • Year 5 attend HHH Classical Concerts

    Published 07/11/23

    During October, our Year 5 classes went to two HHH Concerts at St Christopher's Church, Haslemere, to appreciate Classical Musicians perform to the highest possible standard.  Children found the experience fascinating and enjoyable, with some saying the music was relaxing and made them feel calm and able to focus.  Some children also found that the concerts helped them to feel inspired to develop their own musicianship and instrument playing outside of school.  We would like to extend our thanks to HHH concerts for funding this opportunity and inviting us along.

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  • New Sports Crew

    Published 30/10/23

    well done to our new Sports Crew who undertook their training at Guildford Spectrum earlier this month. The children had the opportunity to take part in a variety of team building activities with sports leaders from other Surrey schools. Well done to everyone involved! 

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  • Crocus planting

    Published 30/10/23
    Shottermill Junior School and Shottermill Infant School helped to plant crocus bulbs on Lion Lane, before half-term. The children all thoroughly enjoyed this, and we will look forward to the crocus flowering in the spring and helping to brighten Lion
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  • SJS 3rd place at Bohunt Sports Swim Gala

    Published 13/06/23

    SJS place a strong 3rd place out of 6 schools in local swimming gala, against Hampshire and West Sussex schools.

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  • Eco Day

    Published 26/05/23

    Eco Day at Shottermill!

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