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Full Governing Body Membership & Attendance

Our Governing Body is made up of 12 members including parents, staff, community and local authority representatives:

  • Parent - parent governors are elected by other parents at the school (2 members)
  • Staff -  including the Headteacher - staff governors are elected by the school staff team (2 members)
  • Co-opted - the governing body appoints co-opted governors who are members of the local community (7 members)
  • Local Authority – Surrey County Council appoints one Local Education Authority (LEA) governor

Recently, we redesigned the structure of our meetings to have either a Children & Learning or Resources focus and all meetings are usually held as a Full Governing Body.

Shottermill Junior School Governing Body

Type of Governor
Term of Office
Mrs Beth Niven - Chair of Governors
30th August 2023 - 19th October 2024
Mr Brian Moulds Local Authority 10th February 2022 - 9th February 2026
Mrs Kate Barnes
Headteacher - Staff
1st September 2014 - not recorded
Mrs Joy Wilcox Staff 10th September 2024 - 9th September 2028

Mr David Rose

Co-Opted 27th February 2018 - 26th February 2026
Vacancy Co-Opted -
Mr Jack Robson - Vice Chair Co-Opted 20th October 2020 - 19th October 2024
Mr Simon McEvansoneya Co-Opted 13th July 2021 - 12th July 2025
Mr Christopher Bongard Co-Opted 18th October 2022 - 17th October 2026
Mr David Marshall Co-Opted 28th November 2023 - 27th November 2027
Mr Tim Radcliffe Co-Opted 28th November 2023 - 27th November 2027
Vacancy Parent -

A register of Governor's interests is taken and reviewed at every Full Governor Body meeting.  No relevant Governor (business or financial) interests have been declared.  We can also confirm that no Governor has expressed any material interests arising from relationships between governors or relationships between governors and school staff.

For information about Governor attendance at meetings (including past attendance of those Governors who have left not listed above) please download the relevant attachment at the bottom of the page.  Our Open Meeting Protocol is also available to view below.

The Governing Body has a legal responsibility to promoting high standards of educational achievement at the school. We work in partnership with the Headteacher and other school staff to promote high standards of educational achievement. We also work closely with other schools in a local confederation, as there are a number of issues that are more effectively worked on together with other schools.

Minutes of meetings are held centrally by the school, however if parents would like a copy of these, these can be requested via the School Office.